Time for some fresh thinking?
Join The REAL Leadership Programme and explore how Leadership as a Living Practice can transform your leadership and the leadership in your organisation
If you were wondering…
The REAL Leadership Programme can be integrated into your broader leadership development initiative and tailored to meet your strategic objectives – supporting a change in the leadership culture, the language of leadership and learning leadership.
We’ll help you design an implementation package to put this into action. Contact us to take the next step.
Yes. It can be integrated into your broader leadership development initiative. Sharing learning and working through the modules as a group or a team is an excellent way of supporting collaborative learning, embedding new ways of working and strengthening team spirit. We’ll help you design an implementation package to put this into action. Contact us to take the next step.
Pairing with a buddy from your work or outside your work, is an excellent way to enrich your learning and maintain a pace that serves you both well. Contact us for a discounted rate when you each sign up.
Your membership in The REAL Leadership Programme includes:
The digital programme containing your learning modules and multimedia resources
A digital journal to capture your responses to the activities and experiments
Qualities of Practice Cards®
You have access to The REAL Leadership Programme for 6 months and can take it at your own pace. There are around 15-20 hours of online learning and up to 6 hours of workplace experiments. It takes most people between 6 and 10 weeks to complete the programme, bearing in mind that pacing the learning well allows for deeper reflections, and richer insights.
The programme is designed to maintain momentum at a pace that suits you. If your pace slows down too much, you can often speed it back up by sharing your learning with others and committing to timeframes for each module.
To explore organisational, group and team options, please call us on 0800 177 7946 or email contactus@ebcentre.co.
As an individual, you can enrol on the The REAL Leadership Programme here and get started straight away.
The REAL Leadership Programme is a dynamic, discovery-based digital programme designed to deepen your understanding of Leadership as a Living Practice, and give you a toolkit to respond to challenging moments in real time.
The programme can be integrated into corporate leadership development initiatives, provide focused learning for selected groups or teams, and offer individual learning for people wanting to travel at their own pace.
To explore organisational in-house options please call us on 0800 177 7946 or email contactus@ebcentre.co.
For individuals travelling in your own way, sign up here.
“What excited me was how insightful and deliberate this was. Although this is about leadership, it is an encounter for an individual and their experience as a member as a group or team.”
“It was very engaging from the get-go.”